NOVAHealth – Chronic Disease and Infection

Conference NOVA Health Chronic Disease and Infection

Tackling Pandemics: Strategies for Prevention, Preparedness and Response

Tackling pandemics caused by infectious agents, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites demands an integrated “One Health” approach that recognizes the interaction of human, animal, and environmental health.

This conference will highlight insights from various scientific disciplines and how these can be used together to promote prevention and combat microbial pandemics.

The development of strategies for prevention, preparedness, and response will be discussed and explored, including the importance of good communication and medical narrative, and the underlying biological, clinical, environmental and ecological conditions that can promote the appearance of new pandemics.

The NOVAhealth Chronic Disease and Infection group launches its 7th Conference.

The session will take place at the Rectorate of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Campolide Campus) on November 18th 2024.


Authors interested in presenting their research on the conference topic should submit their work (instructions and selection criteria in the call for posters).

Conference Registration

Deadline: October 31th, 2024

Poster submission

Deadline: September 30th, 2024

Confirmation of Acceptance

Deadline: October 25th, 2024

Accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference Book. A “Best Poster Award” will be granted during the conference.

Any additional questions send an email to


November 18th, 2024

9.00h: Opening Remarks

João Sàágua | Rector – NOVA University Lisbon

Cláudio Soares | Pró-Rector – NOVA University Lisbon

Session 1 – Environment and human health

9.10h: Aleksandra Kazmierczak (European Environment Agency) |

9.30h: Ricardo Assunção| University of Évora

9.45h: From Maps to Action: Comprehensive Strategies for Pandemic Prevention and Response

César Capinha, Iuria Betco, Jorge Rocha | Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning – University of Lisbon

10.00h:  Oral communication 1 (selected in Abstracts)

10.10h: Oral communication 2 (selected in Abstracts)

10.20h: Coffee Break

Session 2 – Pandemics preparedness

10.50h: André Peralta-Santos | NOVA Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology

11.05h: Paula Patrício | NOVA School of Science and Technology)

11.20h: Alda Correia | NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities

11.35h: Oral communication 3 (selected in Abstracts)

11.45h: Oral communication 4 (selected in Abstracts)

11.55:  Roundtable with Talk Speakers

12.30h: Lunch

13.35h: Poster session

Session 3 – Therapeutics and management

14.00h: João Paulo Gomes | National Institute of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge (INSA)

14.30h: Paulo Paixão | NOVA Medical School

14.45h Catarina Pimentel | NOVA Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology

15.00h:  Sofia Costa | NOVA Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

15.15h: Isabel Carvalho-Oliveira | Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation

15.30h: PFIZER Talk on drug and vaccine development

16.00h: Oral communication 4 (selected in Abstracts)

16.10h: Oral communication 5 (selected in Abstracts)

16.20h: Roundtable with Talk Speakers

16.50h: Best Poster Award

17.00h: Concluding remarks: speaker to be selected (organizing committee)


Organizing Committee

Chronic Disease and Infection Group:

  • Maria Miragaia (ITQB-NOVA)
  • Gonçalo Augusto Figueiredo (ENSP-NOVA)

Climate Change Impact on Public Health Group:

  • Susana Viegas (ENSP-NOVA)
  • Carla Sousa (IHMT-NOVA

Drug Discovery and Advanced Therapies Group:

  • Diana Lousa (ITQB-NOVA)
  • Pedro Cravo (IHMT-NOVA)

NOVAhealthChronic Disease and Infection

Previous Conferences